We are the great budget Bed & Breakfast place in Kanchanaburi, we also provide the kayaking trips
and River Kwai package tours with 100% best service. For more information, please
Tel : +66 064 139 6996 or E-mail: sawasdeeriverkwailodge199@gmail.com
Tour Packages Tour programs that combine various services to organize promotions together. Organized together with other tours as a package set, allowing you to plan your trip in advance. Tour packages in Kanchanaburi and Central Region are cheap and affordable. The person booking the tour package can choose their own travel date freely. Because they do not travel with others from the beginning, but may join the trip with others while relaxing in the destination province.
We are the great budget Bed & Breakfast place in Kanchanaburi, we also provide the kayaking trips and River Kwai package tours with 100% best service. For more information, please
Ban Tha Makham, Kanchanaburi, Thai
+66 064 139 6996